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Monster Bash Coin Door Slime and Blood
We have just added our Monster bash coin door slime and blood. It comes in red or green and there is standard drip and long drip to choose from.
Monster Bash Blood and Slime Speaker Panel mod
We have just release our Monster bash blood and slime. It is available in monster slime green and monster blood red. It attaches to your speaker panel via magnet strip.
Elvira Pinball Sripping Blod/Slime Speaker Panel Mod
Elvira dripping blood and slime speaker panel mods. These mods mount via magnet strip to the metal speaker panel. Comes with longer screws to reattach the game badges over the mod.
Elvira House of Horrors Pinball Dripping Blood Coin Door Mod
Dripping blood and slime for coin door mods. These mods attach to your coin door via magnet strips. We offer them in 2 different style for each color.
Munsters Pinball dripping wax Speaker Panel Mod
Dripping Wax Speaker Panel Mods. These mods attach to your speaker panel via magnet strips. They also come with longer screws to attach your game badge over the mod. We offer them in 3 different colors, Gold for the Le, Gray for the black and white version and Green for the Pro and Color Premium version.